Lemon, Ginger & Turmeric Tea Balls

Lemon, ginger and turmeric tea is just the best if you feel like you’re coming down with something. So this week, as it’s that time of year when the London tube is full of poor spluttering people, I made a batch of frozen lemon, ginger, turmeric juice balls. You then just drop an ice ball into boiled water and voila you have a steaming cup of aromatic, blow your head off deliciously good for you tea.

I do love to create a bit of a ritual around this tea – using my favourite glass teapot and clear glass mug. It’s all about the simplicity, gorgeous colour, and pure warming goodness. Hopefully you can get hold of the fresh turmeric because it really is amazing but if you can’t, just substitute with a teaspoon of dried turmeric powder that works fine too.  And a last word of warning learnt the hard way – turmeric stains!

Lemon, Ginger & Turmeric Tea Balls


  • 4 lemons
  • Large knob ginger (around 60g | 2oz)
  • 3 fresh turmeric ‘fingers’


Makes around 250ml | 9 fluid ounces

  1. Squeeze the juice of the lemons
  2. Put the ginger and turmeric through your juicer and combine with the lemon juice
  3. Freeze the mixed juice in ice trays
  4. When you want to make a tea just pop out an ice ball (or cube) and cover with hot water.