The ‘how to make your family like beetroot’ juice

Does everyone in your house think they hate beetroot?  I had a house full of beetroot critics until recently.  Now, after buying a juicer and making this most simple juice, the family are converts. It’s so deliciously sweet, and is such a wonderfully vibrant pink/red – the kids just love it.

Ok, its not like they’re going to be eating a plate full of raw beetroot just yet, but even my husband who claimed to have a deep hatred for beetroot can be found sipping beetroot and orange juice now.  Amazing!

And the beetroot of course has so many things going for it – according to my ‘Healing with Whole Foods’ bible, it strengthens the heart, improves circulation, purifies the blood, benefits the liver, helps constipation… the list goes on. My days of separately chopping beetroot for myself, through moans of ‘that’s disgusting’ are finally over!

The ‘how to make your family like beetroot’ juice


  • 6 oranges
  • 1 large beetroot


Makes 4 glasses

No recipe.  Just put through your juicer and enjoy!

I peel the beetroot, but you don’t have to if its organic. The taste is more earthy if you leave the skin on.

Beetroot is one of the more powerful vegetables so many recommend that you start slowly, use small amounts – at least initially.